Print black and white (or color) maps to bring a visual context to the names of all those places we are trying to remember! You choose whether to use blank or labeled to suit the lesson (OR THE LEARNER). This site also offers products for purchase, although I haven't personally used those, such as coloring books, Power-points and even editable maps!
Mountain ranges, bodies of water, the earth's layers... they've got a fun game for all of them! Continents and states and capitals are covered here too. It makes a great enrichment to our social studies.
Unit studies, lap-books, note-booking pages AND links. OH MY! They offer more than geography, but this link will take you to their "Travel the Great States" unit. Cover wild life, resources, industry and state nicknames.
This site is So helpful! Maps are organized by continent, then break down into countries, so it's easy to chose one that suits whatever part of the world you are studying. They also increase in difficulty, giving the ability to involve multiple ages. States and capitals are included here too.
Continents, countries, states or regional maps... take your pick! You can also choose from blank or labelled maps to suit your needs. A paid upgrade of $9.00 seemed quite reasonable. I have only ever used the free maps although the paid version comes with a MUCH larger selection to add depth and variety to your teaching.
They have a wonderful selection of printables in multiple subjects, but this link will take you to their "Around the World" section where you'll find coloring pages, post cards, country study, note-booking pages and printable maps for all seven continents.
Much more than just states and capitols here! Of course, you can learn the history, state bird, tree and flower. But do you know what famous people came from YOUR state, the state song or your official state newspaper? Try them all and then stop by the study tools page for flat cards, game links and lesson plans.
Search by country, continent or land-form and get ready to dig in deep with learning! Numerous lessons, all short enough to stay engaging. Media rich with wonderful graphics, videos and dozens of printable templates. What makes it 3-D? Not only do they cover geography through and through, but many of their printables are "print and fold" activities. Try making the globe, a volcano cross section or even The Statue of Liberty! Map skills are broken down into age groups with an impressive array of detailed and up to date information (including hands on activities)!